Lerne Social Media & K.I. mit Alex Khan


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00:00:00: Willkommen zu einer weiteren episode von lerne Social Media heute habe ich die Herd auf Social Media von Wirecard bei mir und zwar Polina med,

00:00:10: whenever Saponinen er seine hier Englisch spricht wird das Interview auf Englisch stattfinden mir einige spannende Themen dabei,

00:00:18: mich konzentrieren wir uns heute mehr auf be-to-be und wie du als B-to-B Anbieter so Business-to-Business.

00:00:27: Social Media richtig nutzt ihr ihn auch darüber wie ein Social Media Team aufgebaut ist und wie influencer Marketing im B2B Bereich funktioniert.

00:00:42: Auch natürlich ein Thema wie sollten Unternehmen mit Problemen heutzutage umgehen und dann reden wir noch fiktiv darüber wenn Polina sich jetzt selbstständig machen.

00:00:55: Wie die ersten Schritte werden wie sollte das starte eigene Produkte aussehen wie bestimmt man den optimalen Preis aber jetzt starb mir doch direkt 3.

00:01:04: Music.

00:01:18: Polina.

00:01:24: Love that you always at the beginning with you.

00:01:30: Foodora,

00:01:35: EMA sauspiel.de Manager endpoint clinical social media in white gold bin insofern könnt leon-Rot.

00:01:46: Gute Nacht Antwort schon wieder nichts das Ding zu Hause Design seven years.

00:01:53: Kyffhausen thirteen.

00:02:01: So heilige Star Wars German Germany in tausenden

00:02:08: and American swing bevor and after initialization in Deggendorf,

00:02:19: Ernst Integrität von DAM international switch

00:02:31: Erna men product of down with the bio-hundefutter.

00:02:37: Dogsworld wish I feel fine with lyrics having experience Pack Grace Somerset West Mall,

00:02:44: Bad Company.

00:02:55: Und ewig singen von concentration türmanagement turnreck.

00:03:01: I be so bad and it's more hours ago I get everything what you know.

00:03:07: Ist covid-19 knowing also Marketing.

00:03:31: Paulo dybala BossHoss medimobil großes Haus mieten Wertheim.

00:03:41: Sonette proteinarme salesworker.com

00:03:52: Service zu Beginn Dänemark

00:03:59: Amazon schon wieder Sonntag auf datenschutzpanne biposto,

00:04:03: think Weber ohne Quad advanced einen in der Käse Zinskosten bitte.

00:04:15: Rituals Samurai.

00:04:21: Talking about social media app on how did you receive the change over the past years and social media what changed the comparative the beginning.

00:04:33: To be honest I think yes.

00:04:36: Volume of stars Radisson Autoschmiede

00:04:45: Social Media extra das RTL ich habe Gudereit can you really get customers auf deutsch

00:04:54: Ernst von bitte seine Fürbitte gewesen ist

00:05:01: niedrig Winterschuhen Ansoff today,

00:05:12: Dingsda Waschmaschine hängt am change the content,

00:05:26: dauert das von The Strangers sing America where is in the typical beach the environment.

00:05:35: Wirecard you are added Tipico bitte the environment how do you see the difference is when it comes down to Social Media in B2B vs PC.

00:05:46: Senkeleweg oriti Ragwear things need to be taking mit Osmose direct.

00:05:57: Vispronet in this product is everything around is think.

00:06:12: Biofinity toric

00:06:18: Airsoft gun Zimmer face incorrect

00:06:29: bitte bioservice das Kind ist komisch also.

00:06:39: Future compose define this is the end you need to go and look specific way.

00:06:48: VfL Vorwerk.

00:06:59: Fifty alle personas für unsere nette gestern Menschen so ist Ultimate Warrior Zuschauer.

00:07:14: Thinking about the PDB world where cards are you using social just on,

00:07:21: linkedin first choice probably just between a walk all over you are spending on how many on Instagram and Facebook Atomic Google Austria.

00:07:34: Bedienelemente,

00:07:40: Nicole Sullivan the first into the future

00:07:49: Getinge Palmzweig visionmaker in on the time when on decision-making,

00:08:07: and in that regard Facebook Instagram anodizing.

00:08:18: Jo mal das World Trade ReachOut bis Bibo Autos crashen shr and that's not something I believe I have

00:08:34: BfA transmog Fury.

00:08:38: Joshua opened for trying to go for more Arafat instagram.

00:08:48: Comes down to the generations the environment experience.

00:08:57: Stern you use LinkedIn for the generations or do you write for posters the marketing work in the beat it

00:09:06: so in 5 speaking Übung zu viel Erfahrung

00:09:17: Jesolo.

00:09:26: Interview Julia is not just about my generation.

00:09:35: Is very well when I wanna be able to deliver the square city.

00:09:42: Never before the straight away and all the information in this apartment is very very WhatsApp Fake USA.

00:09:58: Egal mit wem du

00:10:03: Kaminofen sitzt zu.

00:10:14: New Samsung the story to begin with ABC.

00:10:22: Catch attention than you run this you using this content,

00:10:32: ist das Villingen an der Fahrer Moto2.

00:10:41: So as you the head of Social Media UFC immobiliser Team,

00:10:48: Rocky and the people listen to the world,

00:10:57: how was your team structure type,

00:11:08: Item Trading

00:11:15: sodaflaschen Honda CB1000R

00:11:24: spatzenhaus Carpenter Gewerberegister

00:11:35: anything with numbers related this is one point energy Fixit riposo celebration.

00:11:44: So it's because you're so high like you touch the Love ride

00:11:54: der Report Services Präsentation.

00:12:01: Intoxication.

00:12:11: Chicken Wings

00:12:15: once together really really wow and other project not something,

00:12:26: release Germany

00:12:31: taufdekoration Make-up

00:12:38: Antoine and that's really wanna speak but Content Editor planning conduction age Siemens

00:12:47: boxofficemojo.

00:12:54: Übersehen photo of understanding how to manage this series.

00:13:00: Social media is so different to you when you get them into the magic man.

00:13:15: Bernd Service Integration in said the good people are sit and think of Social Media News Nike

00:13:23: Integration Manager Integration Substitution always.

00:13:37: I was good to hear now have one and only.

00:13:44: Julita Stern influencer Marketing von Milano Pizzeria in Abydos environment hnc Maxim works,

00:13:56: es ist das mit shake it with you

00:14:01: Was bist du für ein Auto

00:14:16: Josef Software IV

00:14:26: Annette Videos

00:14:36: Ernstings Family

00:14:49: you church

00:14:55: solch ein Mini verziertes new Industrie.

00:15:04: Paartherapie pattarina baut autodeko Monster

00:15:08: fahre I ever people who are falling der Partner Enzersdorf,

00:15:19: Engelmann Software von thank you.

00:15:28: Nnn think what I really fine inpoint about amistad.

00:15:35: Ultimate focus on the course of interaction,

00:15:44: Casino.

00:15:54: Large like

00:15:55: Canyon E-Bike in the the the the das needs to be in the financial industry can be anywhere any good players racing

00:16:04: dieser companies getsocial in the bitte beespace

00:16:08: Reitjacke n300 Obermeier der name will nach BNP Paribas

00:16:16: this guys are killing it in the bank.

00:16:25: Wir können gerne.

00:16:35: Emotion of human centric values fetio3

00:16:45: Wer schauen was solltest du in der Stadt,

00:16:56: Media Markt Dingolfing.

00:17:14: Mit demselben Kurs CHF Apfelsine mountains and white Choice the Gozo,

00:17:28: the topic for the Texas Chainsaw.

00:17:36: Going going forward an Meetings Go going.

00:17:41: Sphinx Coronavirus so it goes,

00:17:50: BTS telling yourself.

00:17:59: Ich will haben wenigstens ein bisschen Aroma

00:18:04: YT converter

00:18:13: genau

00:18:15: eingekauft Salat bei dem Fernseher bei Media versteht keinen Rostock Medizin regattaservice

00:18:31: Armani Bleistift udupi Damen.

00:18:37: EShop prices would be because the beginning your biggest I the style of publishing.

00:18:49: Shawn Mendes amount of content with possible,

00:18:55: spending money on creating great content and page every single day an adafruit wie reaching the companies and Wesson.

00:19:04: Das erfordert letzte Preis that's the reason why you should care first of War from your point of you because this can go wrong

00:19:14: autogrill occupation das Känguru das Känguru.

00:19:23: Maxcare.

00:19:27: Daniel Klinkhammer wusste Fenstertausch easycredit.de Sie letzte Preis.

00:19:34: I do have to pay anything I help you want to face Posterrolle one Preis.

00:19:44: Easy Scout for you if you more about welcome this,

00:19:54: you say what the beginning there was Jack.

00:20:03: Rollenvergabe Nike Stan Kosovo Seite.

00:20:06: Scso of the fastest growing companies in am Ende you have something beautiful space ändern.

00:20:17: My best strategy for sales is the following the light within you say.

00:20:26: When do you do an analysis of the concentration.

00:20:32: And this one take me XOX to fix you for the things you have.

00:20:44: I don't like it that way.

00:20:48: If you like it you pederast I like to thank you in Arabic optimally.

00:20:58: Paul Walker in the life of a limit and focus on the next.

00:21:10: Ex-Head sende in die Kammer will welcome back.

00:21:21: Thanks for speaking whispers Records.

00:21:24: Jona Bowling.

00:21:36: Before I'm very good friend of mine always think in terms of how much the company could pay due to this price is why you're selling time.

00:21:50: Time is not getting more valuable by working for McDonald's it is to be honest because the output is much bigger.

00:22:00: Europe the same thing like the rest on my pay if the same service if I go for bigger brennt.

00:22:07: A couple of days in the do it different countries that use it right and son right it's very hard services.

00:22:16: Derart Startups wherever live my my my whole truth and how much they pay me.

00:22:25: Find them into a situation where believe maybe they should Star Wars something else.

00:22:31: So einem Konzert England Huawei ständig an seine Weidenau you need to do the right thing to start with some company Herbert fleischmann.

00:22:44: Einen Kaufmann verkauft nations Evil the patch.

00:22:49: Safe tanrim like a walk like a day for it I receive the one the one percent of the value of the page.

00:22:59: So that took my concept based on the terrace Big agency NME the times more of that the work of turning the page.

00:23:08: Think of well that there is something that I want.

00:23:16: I would rather go from two different sites one site is the market

00:23:22: how much are Anästhesie to file audio converter,

00:23:32: Sisi Ketsch ist der Preis über LED.

00:23:37: I know how much you pay for going to the bakery.

00:23:49: Diana way this is be honest with yourself answer lies within how much detail Fehlanzeige do amor.

00:24:03: Johannes because you don't have the fundamentals in times of reviews,

00:24:10: citation in der Fiat any knowledge and the Gurus and like the downside,

00:24:24: depends if you wanna make a million for example you need to know that I need to make any free fall Sohnemann,

00:24:31: Unity make Free NAV cineday read Excel Power.

00:24:36: Eine Feder und dann kamen wir dann mal noch mal

00:24:49: ich fahre 1400 am Anfang.

00:24:53: So etwa Penthouse what are you Casting how much you need to make to survive.

00:25:00: The one thing and doing it so it's it's it's short thinking on on the one went to survive the minimum.

00:25:09: An other way could be taking a look at the market.

00:25:21: Isi im Alter you übersetzen i can't save you ten thousand your do you pay me five.

00:25:28: No brainer right or if you this information ten thousand more YouTube Amy five ways to project.

00:25:40: Biggest fan in the mixer with the show you one part of the crash which is fixed.

00:25:46: Gin Sour eyes I think of all the good you are everyone,

00:25:57: don't try to please everyone especially at the beginning we are so inclined.

00:26:04: To try to say yes to every client you so much time not be enough August.

00:26:13: E.ON mission statement are very good task is to write down your principles.

00:26:20: Because they are here now I know that always under the social theory of principles and Seinfeld Sambo,

00:26:35: i don't take a Google find maybe auf der sauer.

00:26:45: The person in front of you you're all I have them.

00:26:49: Musst du bei deiner Gang attacks and a bigger amount of your energy and the complexity of everything to deal with.

00:26:59: Just don't focus on the things you know that we are perfect.

00:27:09: Find and write it down and find this because the focus has many Genesis in the beginning.

00:27:18: Vassacher letzte Liste in Excel von Miele C1 Union Roboters.

00:27:26: So now I know which Events,

00:27:30: was ist auf der Audio Magazine Softeis

00:27:41: fifty alias deshalb hat das Samsung verify was very narrow down I easily get,

00:27:48: testimonia Frommherz hast das wird Sterne gern herzniveau meine Marke das Herz Nassereith.

00:27:57: Instagram.

00:28:00: Profire hairdressers optimizing Instagram profiles for hairdressers in the service with my Instagram profile

00:28:12: von Mayas oder Oldies reviews about the objections of the people.

00:28:21: Expedia Jennifer herzhafter next time I do Restaurante do it yourself.

00:28:32: Guided Fallschirmseide for generic Skischaukel somewhere down the very good very faster.

00:28:42: Mondelez.

00:28:52: In San Diego für speaker and the USA.

00:29:05: It's it's it's a mix between being at the right time at the right place.

00:29:13: When it comes down to Paris go star wars Paris for one day one.

00:29:20: The first one in Europe who really like fifty thousand 100000 followers.

00:29:26: Which will be a friend 1 left the Los Angeles wishes close to San Diego and handed.

00:29:34: Bekannt FRIENDS first of all the words that the conference is you want to speak at.

00:29:42: Geschüttelt hat fast and the speakers.

00:29:49: Maybe Vorhand texte speakers Zara Larsson carry me before I see because of course not the host.

00:29:59: The night Manager.

00:30:06: Music.